Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tutorial Six - The internet and online communities

In this blog I will be looking at internet sites around personal occupation. The personal occupation I will be focusing on, is one i love - shopping. Below will be websites based aorund this particular personal occupation that appealed to me



The intended purpose of the above three websites, is to attract a customer to buy the websites online merchandise.
Because these websites have specific intended purpose (to shop and  get customers to purvhase) there is limited social interaction availabe. However all websites offer the oppurtunity to be a member of that website, enabling the viewer to buy online. Some websites such as gary pepper vintage offer the chance to follow this website on facebbok and ;tweet't about this site using twitter as a core. Buying and shoppingonline is the way people can contribute online by browsing clothes and adding garmets to the 'shopping cartt' where after selecting garmets, customer will enter postal adress where purchased items will be delivered. People use websites liek these to give them a wider range and in most cases (a more unique) option to shopping, also online shopping can be doen world wide - there is no boundary. Information is presented in basic form where it is an online customer experience.
This is a quote from gary pepper vintage shopping website, where they are discussing the model and ambassador of the website "The Gary Pepper girl is a Japanese popstar. Famous in her own right, admired by all. She is fun, quirky, confident, passionate, exuberant, with an eclectic sense of style. A chameleon at heart, she changes her spots as many times as she can and makes friends wherever she goes. Life motto? The glass is half full. The Gary Pepper girl is really one of a kind" (Gary Pepper Vintage, 2010).
Possible ethical issues around these websites can include, customer unhappiness. For example; customer ordering a garmet online and it being marked or damaged when arrival to their postal adress or simply the garmet not fitting as desired.
benefits of these websites include - Versatility, more options when shopping, not having to depend on the same shops in your town or city. World wide - these websites are accessable all over the worl, all that is needed to log on to these website and utilise them is internet connection.

Gary Pepper Vintage. (2010). Retrieved from  http://garypeppervintage.blogspot.com/ on the 30/03/2011.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Tutorial Five - Video Production Sessions

About Youtube:
YouTube is a free online video-sharing service that allows users to post personally developed videos of nearly any variety online, from animations to personal recordings (EDUCAUSE, n.d.). Youtube is an increasingly popular website to may over the world.
The topic of interest I will be looking into today is - personal occupation.
I will be providing clips from youtube that appealed to me around the topic of personal occupation
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

EDUCAUSE. (n.d.). 7 things you should know about youtube. Retrieved from http://www.educause.edu/ELI/7ThingsYouShouldKnowAboutYouTu/156821 on the 23/03/2011.

Tutorial Four - Our Group Movie

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Tuorial Two: Digital Imaging

I am very familiar with digital imaging, I studied art phtograpghy in my senior years of high school so am familiar with both settings on cameras such as brightness and contrast and also camera software programmes availabe such as photoshop, where I am able to upload phtos foerm the camera and manipulate them to create a more interesting image (See image below)
(Vindaloo. Dreamland)

Digital photos can be taken on cameras then saved to a memory stick/ SD card that is stored in the camera and then inserted into a computer or laptop where using approproate software can be manipulated to produce the final image. Once satisfied with the image you are then able to upload this image to websites such as facebook, flicker, youtube and blogs, for the rest of the world to see. Below is an image I took of a well known New Zealand band Kids of 88 in the weekend on my camera. After taking this image I stored it on my SD card, changed the images settings on my laptop then uploaded to my facebook.

Discussion Topic: "A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"
I disagreed with this statement. I believe the new technology of digital cameras are superior, due to the following reasons; digital cameras are more convinent (instant photos can be taken and viewed in an instant), digital cameras also offer more diversity and oppurtunity, are far more convinent and cost effective in terms of not needing refills or acess to a dark room unlike the old cameras once used. However, with saying this I believe old imagery can be very beautiful, but simply is not realistic for the average person who does not have mastery skills in photography and art.
Ethical Issues around image capturing and distrubition  (photos) can include; Privacy (getting t person in the image's consent, ownership (possible breach of copyright) and finally ensuring the appropriate storage of the image is pursued.
In occupational therapy digital imaging can be used for housing modifications and client files. Digital Imaging can provide a richer source of evidence for noth housing modifictaions and client files

Tutorial One - Information Technology and Ethical Issues

This blog posting will be based around Information technology and possible ethical issues. In the broadest sense, information technology refers to both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve, and manipulate information (Alexandrou, M, 2011). My interpretation of Information technology (I.T) is technology that stores information and allows us to perform tasks in an effective manner. Information technology has become increasingly popular in the 21st century, it is used by the majority of the population whether it be through the use of computers, internet, cameras, cell phones etc. In particular 'generation y' have become increasingly dependant on technology with most in the western world relying on their cell phones and social net work sites to communicate with the rest of the world. Below is a link to a youtube clip that will help the undertsandign of technology in our society http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVSi_1Me5cE
Being only 19 I feel as though I am compotent with technology. I have basic understanding and skills with I.T. I own a cell phone, camera (video camera), ipod and laptop. I am able to operate all this technology I own successfully, however, I would nto claim to be an I.T genius in any way.
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce (World Intellectual Property Organization, 2009). I interpret IP as personal ideas and inventions that are laster used in the physical world.
Social justice is the application of the concept of justice on a social scale (Wikipedia, 2010). My basic defintion on social justice is simply - fair treatment.
Informed consent in regards to the health industry is defined as;the right to be told everything about your health and the care that you are receiving (Healthpoint Limited, 2004). I interpret informed consent as a legal right given to clients, where a person/ client has given appropriate consent.

Alexandrou, M. (2011). Definition of Information Technology. Retrieved from http://www.mariosalexandrou.com/definition/information-technology.asp on the 9/03/2011.

Healthpoint Limited. (2004). Informed Consent. Retrieved from http://www.healthpoint.co.nz/default,6321.sm on the 9/03/2011.

Wikipedia. (2010). Social Justice. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice on the 9/03/2011.

World Intellectual Property Organization. (2009). What is intellectual property?. Retrieved from http://www.wipo.int/about-ip/en/ on the 9/03/2011.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

First Post

my first ever blog and blog post today, am now up and running and my following blog posts will be on my weekly lectures from my Participation in Occupation